A Netflix original series, Squid Game, has surpassed Bridgerton as the “biggest-ever series at launch.” Squid Game was released last month and has already become a...
House of Secrets: The Burari Deaths is based upon a real story that happened three years ago. It was the most shocking news for the whole...
Many fans were disappointed by the show’s creators regarding Aisha Robinson’s absence from Cobra Kai Season 3. We’re only a few months away from the release...
The mystery surrounding Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire in Spider-Man: No Way Home continues. Nobody knows if Spider-Man fans will be able to see the two...
Suicide Squad 2 was originally announced to be in the works, with David Ayer as director and the original actors, including Will Smith, expected to reprise...
The world of anime is filled with both beauty and brutality. From the simple concept of a girl and her dog exploring the world together to...
Netflix recently renewed Cobra Kai for 5th Season. Even though season 4 is due to arrive on Netflix globally in December 2021. The show’s co-creator Jon Hurwitz says...