Snow White is a beloved story for children of all ages, and it has been innumerable times adapted for the theatre and television. But who exactly...
GoGoAnime is a free streaming portal where you can watch and download your favorite anime shows or movies. GoGoAnime has the majority of anime movies and...
The Attack on Titan anime is based on the manga series of the same name by Hajime Hisazu. The series is set in the future where...
The world of Naruto Shippuden is vast, with a long and storied history. It is a world of heroes and villains, wars and conflict, great deeds...
Animation has become a popular visual art in India, garnering a lot of love from twenty-first-century children. Among the historical accounts that chart the development of...
With a cast of colourful new superheroes, it’s easy to feel a little lost when you first enter the Spider-Verse. But one thing’s for sure: you’ll...
The anime Death Note is about a human who gains the power to kill people by writing their name in a special notebook, the death note....
Spirited Away is an Academy Award-winning anime film from Ghibli Studio. The spirit No Face is the most popular character in the Japanese animated film Spirited Away,...
Naruto and Itachi Uchiha are no strangers among anime and manga fans. The popular Japanese Naruto Series flaunts several amazing characters, including Naruto, Tsunade, Sakura, Itachi...
The world of anime is filled with both beauty and brutality. From the simple concept of a girl and her dog exploring the world together to...