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Someone edited Civil War Iconic Airport fight in Zack Snyder style, and fans loved it.



Zack Snyder Civil War

Captain America: Civil War was a major milestone for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Civil War broke the Avengers into two-part, creating disagreement over international oversight of the Avengers.

The airport fight scene is still iconic to this day and was the best fight scene ever in Marvel Cinematic Universe. A fan-edited video has surfaced on YouTube, which shows how the fight would have looked in the vision of Zack Snyder.

The result was terrific, and the Visualization looks stunning. Whether you talk about Marvel or DC fans, they all are just going ga ga over it, and they loved the Zack Snyder Vision so much. 

It does not happen every day that Marvel and DC fans come to an agreement and applaud something like this. A YouTube page by the name of Conics has mesmerized everyone with its Visualization. They have taken the airport fight scene from Captain America: Civil War and completely Redesigned, changed, and Visualized it in Zack Vision. 

Here’s the awesome video of Civil War imagined in Zack Snyder Style

Here’s What Fans have to say about this video:-

“I know this is a big meme but this actually made me appreciate some of the action more. Without the constant pauses for quips, the danger feels heightened, and some of the slo-mo really works. If some of the MCU’s humor was thrown back in, I wouldn’t mind if this was the real movie” – The Ink Tank
“Just one word: “Amazing” YisUs G
“This actually looks great”Beanz Hitz 2
“Man This is Awesome! I know it’s just a meme but MAN, I wish this was a real cut. You gotta admit that the seriousness and danger gets heightened and That is the intention of this escene. Very well done”. – Juan Darwin Alvarez Maldonado
Zack Snyder Civil War Edit

The great thing about this is there is no one linear or unrequired jokes. Everything happens fast and hits hard that how Zack Snyder always wanted. Zack wanted to be real with their fans. In a war, there is no unnecessary chattered going on.  

The classic slow-motion sequence shows us the range of emotions on each of the actors’ faces closely, and that’s why this fan-edited Civil War video looks so amazing. 

Although this video may not be precisely how Zack Snyder would have made Civil War, but this video comes pretty close to zack Snyder’s perfection. 

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